atomyx prepare - pricing


Includes 1.500 credits/month
Overage €0.02/credit
Onboarding at €175/h
50 / month


Includes 10.000 credits/month
Overage €0.015/credit
hour onboarding
100 / month


Includes 25.000 credits/month
Overage €0.01/credit
hours onboarding
250 / month

Get started


What are Credits?

  • One credit equals “1 processing second”.
  • We count processing seconds instead of the number of files processed due to variable file complexity.
  • A simple check on a simple PDF and a complex processing plan on a complex PDF will use different amounts of credits.

Need More Credits?

If you exceed the credits provided by your subscription tier each month, additional credits will be invoiced at the end of each month. The cost per credit depends on your subscription tier—the higher the tier, the lower the cost of additional credits.

Not sure how to get started?

Book a quick meeting with one of our experts to guide you through the possibilities of online print production management.


Learn what atomyx can do for you

Book a quick meeting with one of our experts to guide you through the possibilities of online print production management.

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